He's 18 pounds, who knows how many inches long, now crawling (has already been into Grandpa and Grandma's TV armoire, hands among the videocassette tapes), consumes three meals of solids - two jars of baby food at each - plus four nursing sessions. He's a squealing, ravenous, solid, MOVING (pardon me while I rescue him from being decapitated by crawing under his exersaucer...) bundle of energy and grins.
I'm enchanted and bordering on exhausted trying to keep up with him - No! Not the computer cords!...
[sigh] At this point, the blanket spread on the floor is just the equivalent of the 'Go' square on a Monopoly board.
Please, dear God in heaven, don't let him start walking at the end of his 7th month like my girlfriend's first kidlet did.
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