April 29, 2006

A Date with my Destiny

I am such a geek.

Office supply stores are among my very favorite stores in the world - who needs shoes when you can buy folders? and four-color pens? and a labeling machine that will help me see that this clear box holds markers?

Since this is the case, it makes perfect sense that buying a daily planner sent me over the edge into bliss. Not only can I write down appointments so I won't forget them, I can tell you what I'm doing at 9:30 a.m. on December 17th of this year. My schedule's currently wide open on the 17th, but if I was busy that morning, it'd be written down!

The downside to all this organization is that I'm blonde. I have brain lapses entirely too often. The path of my destiny leads through a severe dose of humility. Case in point: writing in all the dates from now through a year from now, I hit April 24th (of next year) before I realized that my numbering (in ink, of course) put the 24th on the same day of the week as it was this year.

It took some in-depth searching and flipping of many pages, but I found the problem - I forgot Halloween. I went right from October 30th to November 1st. In my defense, I can only offer that when I was numbering I actually thought it was November 30th to December 1st, but being wrong about what month I was on sounds a lot worse than forgetting a single day.

Now my enticingly new planner has unsightly scribbles from October through next April. I am not allowed to enter dates in daily planners while talking on the phone ever again.

1 comment:

'PeachBelle' said...

I love this post! I thought I was the only one with this weakness/addiction/passion!
You would not BELIEVE the number of office supplies type stuff I have all over my house and in my storage room. I can't even count the number of day planners. Nothing gets my breath quickened and my hands trembling more than walking down the day planner / calendar / binder & index aisles. And does it help me get and stay organized? Barely!
Eventually I still have to use my cranial brain. And does it help me get & stay organized? Barely.
But between the two ( the planners & the brain) we seem to muddle through somehow. : )